Our Mission

The Friends of St. Joseph Bay Preserves, Inc. is a non-profit Citizen Support Organization that was established in 2003 to protect, preserve, and support the St. Joseph Bay State Buffer Preserve and the St. Joseph Bay Aquatic Preserve. The Friends raise funds and provide volunteer services to help manage the preserves and to improve understanding and enjoyment of the Buffer Preserve and the bay.

Our mission is to advocate for the St. Joseph Bay Aquatic Preserve and State Buffer Preserve, inform people of those key issues that are important in keeping the bay one of the most pristine bays in the world, link individuals who want to help in sustaining the quality of the bay and motivate people to take part in the effort.

The Friends advocate for the restoration of the uplands and aquatic preserves: Inform the public of the importance of protecting the bay and uplands, link up all interested parties to explore all possibilities to safeguard the bay and take action to prevent destruction of any upland in order to prevent detrimental effects to water quality.

How can you help?  Volunteer to work at the Preserves. Become a member, make a donation. Your generosity will benefit the St. Joseph Bay Preserves.
Mail-In Membership Form PDF

A Citizen Support Organization established to protect and preserve one of the most ecologically significant areas in the Southeastern United States