Tag Archives: Fall Fest

Friends Newsletter November 2024

The Friends Board Members and Preserves Staff just completed two major tasks in November.  As you know, typically the Friends hold two Bay Day events each year on the first Saturday in February and October.  These Bay Day celebrations serve as our major fundraisers. However, the State is currently renovating the supports and decking at the Buffer office and visitor complex which made it impossible to hold our traditional October Bay Day fundraiser.  The Friends’ board struggled with the options of attempting our classic Bay Day with its low country boil and exhibits in a different location or creating a new type of public event.  In the end, Board members decided to attempt a family festival in the heart of the Buffer itself.  Our “Family Fest” was designed less as a fundraiser, and more of celebration designed to expose the beauty and nature of the Buffer Preserve to the public.  With that goal in mind, family fun activities were designed that were free to the public and attractive for all family members.

In addition, there were walking tacos, hot apple cider, a scavenger hunt, interpretive hiking, duck pond matchup, sack races and free prizes.  It was a wonderful day with clear skies, comfortable temperatures and no bugs!  A good time was had by all and well over a hundred people attended.

The second task undertaken by the Friends was to design and construct a display representing the Buffer Preserve for public viewing at the Annual Festival of Trees held at The Joe Center for the Arts in downtown Port St. Joe.  This major community event typically attracts over a thousand visitors with local businesses and organizations engaging in friendly competition to see who will receive the trophy for People’s Choice.  A group of Friends Board members decided to skipp the heavily decorated tree model opting for a tree display that was more educational in nature by illustrating an important practice in managing the Buffer forests.  The burnt material presented served to explain the role of managed burns in maintaining the health of the forest.  The festival of trees runs through Dec. 14 so there is time to see the display. More information can be found at their website: www.thejoecenter.org

We are currently beginning our planning for the Friends upcoming Annual meeting set to occur at 10am on January 18th, 2025 in the Buffer Visitor Center.  There will be a special lunch provided with a great selection of home-made chili to choose from.  The Friends will provide a brief snapshot of their 2024 activities and Megan Christopher Manager of the St. Joseph Bay Aquatic Preserve, and Dylan Shoemaker, Manager of the Buffer State Preserve will provide reviews of 2024 activities thar occurred in the two Preserves and provide a look at their future plans.

Opportunities working directly with the Friends:
The Friends of St. Joseph Bay Preserves are also interested in locating volunteers who can assist us with special projects such as the continuing development of the new interpretive trail in the Buffer, enlarging our social media presence, the creation of possible Preserves calendars or post cards to sell and, and as always, help with Bay Day or special events. We are currently beginning our planning for our upcoming February Bay Day. If you have any questions/comments or would be interested in volunteering to assist us with our upcoming February Bay Day or any of the Friends’ projects described above, please let us know at stjosephbaypreserve@gmail.com

Richard Trahan, President
Friends of Saint Joseph Bay Preserves

The Friends of St. Joseph Bay Preserves, Inc., is a non-profit Citizen Support Organization established in 2003 to protect and preserve one of the most ecologically significant areas in the Southeastern United States, and to support the St. Joseph Bay Buffer Preserve and St. Joseph Bay Aquatic Preserve.

Join us for our Fall Fest in the Preserve – Saturday, November 16th, 2024

Fall Fest in the Preserve
Join Us Saturday, November 16th, 2024, for our Fall Festival in the heart of the St. Joseph Bay State Buffer Preserve.
3pm – 6pm EST
Friends of St. Joseph Bay Preserves present an afternoon of outdoor fun and activities including hay rides through the preserve, interpretive hiking, scavenger hunt, face painting, hot apple cider,  campfire with marshmallow roast, walking tacos and more … no admission fee!
Live Music Throughout the Afternoon: The “mixed acoustic” sounds of Marilyn and Tyler Freeman, …. “a little old country, blue grass, and rock n’ roll”.
The Fall Festival events are located within the Buffer Preserve on Treasure Road. Turn in at Treasure Rd off 30A, “across the street” from the Buffer Preserve Visitor Center (3915 State Road 30-A, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456). Follow the signs and volunteer parking guides.
The Fall Festival is sponsored by The Friends of the St. Joseph Bay Preserves in Partnership with Buffer and Aquatic Preserves staff.
For more information: Call 850-229-1787 or Send Us an Email